It’s not Math Time, it’s Nap Time.

I pretend like Salem’s little intrusions bother me, but they really don’t. He’s so stinkin’ cute I can’t stand it.

The weekend was suuuuper busy, but it was all fun and good times. Friday night was dinner, drinks, movies and games at the Pritchard’s house, then Saturday was a trip to the Mast Store and dinner at Hot Rods. (Mom and Dad, we should’ve eaten there when you were here at Christmas. Mental note for next time!) Sunday involved a seven-mile run with Jeremy alongside on his bike and then we attended a Super Bowl gathering last night. I’m pooped! And Jackson has a cough.

All of this means that we’re building a little life here in our new hometown. We’re finding our favorite spots to eat and play and great people with which to spend time. We’re settling in, which feels timely and comfortable. In keeping with our transient selves, we can’t stay settled for too long, which is why we’ve started a modest house search. (Read: loose and non-commital) We both like the house we’re renting, but it’s time to  buy something of our own again and try to stay still for a little while. The “modest search” is to make sure we’re not missing out on a great deal or settling for a house we like “pretty well.” After all, there could be acreage we don’t know about, which would be a shame to miss.

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