Me, 18 years ago

I’m having a moment here.

Eighteen years ago I was in the second semester of my senior year of high school. I attended an all-girls school but was enrolled in a coordinate program with the all-boys school across town. It wasn’t about the boys, lest you think so. McCallie had better writing classes, like Journalism and Short Story, and I’d heard good things about Senior English with Mr. McNiff. (Damn his pop quizzes!) I know a lot of girls enjoyed being around the boys, but I was painfully shy and didn’t socialize much. My sole interest was in writing.

This time, eighteen years ago, I sat in a classroom surrounded by boys reading and writing short stories. Today, I’m sitting in a “classroom” surrounded by boys (two humans and two pets) reading and writing short stories. To make this time warp even better, I still have my notebook from high school. In it are all of my old stories and the stories of my classmates. Time warp, indeed.

Stuffed between the short stories are reports and exams from English class, and on each piece of paper is the pledge. At the time, it was an annoying little task — to scrawl the same line of promises over and over again — but now I think it’s brilliant. I wonder what would happen in our public schools if we enforced the honor code.


I also have pages of unrelated scribble of other things that consumed my brain at the time, like calculating college tuition and – sadly – how many calories I needed to cut to lose more weight. Maybe this is why I hate numbers so much. I weigh a good twenty pounds more now than I weighed when I was a senior, but you can’t tell an 18-year-old girl that her weight is fine. Heck, you probably can’t tell a 35-year-old woman that her weight is fine.

UGA tuition

MTSU tuition

Counting calories

It’s a bit of hoarding, I know, but I’m glad I kept things like this. Sometimes your memories lie to you. They get rewritten or forgotten. In notebooks like these, the handwriting is a transportation device. I’m launched into the past by its familiarity, by its honesty. Even then, I wanted to know how to write a good story, whether in fact or fiction. Writing has always been that one thing.

I’ll start my first short story this week. The plan is to use cursory characters from the novel as main characters. It sounds a little lazy (or is it genius?), but ultimately I think it will help refine plot lines when the editing process starts. Since I intend on making the novel my capstone project for graduation, I think short stories are a great way to weed out what’s unnecessary in the novel or add something that might be imperative.

Speaking of, I’m hovering around 110,000 words, which is roughly a 450-page book. The end is at hand.


  1. I relate to this post and I am glad that I had the honor of reading it. I have these same moments of reflection when I open up my journals from the past. I too keep LOTS of paper things…I suppose it is a type of hoarding, but we have to cut ourselves some slack. Pinterest and tablets were not around when we were in High School. Paper was the only way 😉 Great post.

    1. I was a journal writer too, for many years. I have a container full of old notebooks, which my sister and dearest friends have permission to burn upon my death so my children don’t read them. Now, blogging has become my journal of sorts. It helps us stay in touch with faraway family and friends. Plus, it’s cathartic, which is good for my brain. I’m sure you understand that bit. 🙂

      1. Yes indeed I do! I however was very tricky with my journal keeping. I always made the characters in my stories express my thoughts, feelings etc. I still use new journals to jot down quick thoughts and I even have a special one where I write down new favorite words. I use my blog to free write and that is where I get my ” mental purification” now. Its very helpful.

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