Memory? What Memory?

For a few months I’ve been on some medication that has completely zapped my memory. I recall long term things, events in my past and the names of my children, but as a side effect I completely forget everything else. I will float through the day in oblivion and remember at 11:30 p.m. with my head on the pillow that I was supposed to make some phone calls, drop something in the mail or reschedule an appointment. I even forget to take the pill that has caused me to forget things.

It’s really, really annoying.

Fortunately, I can remember the important things like feeding the boys. I’ve also started leaving myself notes. I just have to remember to check them.

My efforts to find a race to run this year haven’t paid off yet. There are a few big ones in my general area but nothing that would be entirely convenient. This might end up being a year that I don’t earn a medal, which is really disappointing. To spin it more positively, maybe I’ll just say that I needed to give my muscles a rest. Ha! Even I don’t believe that.

On the way home from an appointment this afternoon, Jeremy asked me what a scholarship is, and after I explain it to him, he says, “Wow, I hope I get scholarships. That would make you and Dad really proud of me.”

“It sure would,” I say.

“But I don’t know where I’ll go to college yet,” he says. “It’s between Auburn, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, I really gotta think about it,” he says.

“I’m going to Tennessee,” says Jack.

Some children are easier to brainwash than others.

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