What are we learning today?

Jeremy has an expressed interest in geography, so we’ve started with the simplest parts of the globe – continents and oceans. Having already broken down bits of North America (to outline the United States), Jeremy is eager to tackle the rest of the world. We’re taking it slow.

Math-wise, he’s learning about measurements. My little math whiz can be quite fast when it comes to this coursework, especially if the lessons are interesting. We measured household items and our hands and feet yesterday. Then Salem stole the tape measure.

Jackson is excelling in math, too!

I know it may not look like it from this photo, but his handwriting is leaps and bounds better than it was in August. He writes sentences everyday, including his name, the date and other tidbits about himself. Here, he writes that he loves footed pajamas.

When the school year is finished, I’ll post an August/May comparison of his handwriting. I’m hoping for even more improvement between now and then.

Each boy is continuing with phonics and spelling, as well as plenty of art and creative work. What we lack right now are science lessons, but after discovering Science Bob, I hope to remedy that.

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