Trust me, you’ll like it.

A couple of days ago I let the boys play outside at night with glowing miniature light sabers.   That had all of this energy that needed to be released into the universe, not in my living room. After sufficiently battling one another to the death, they came back inside sweaty and stinky. This is how we arrived at Jackson’s first shower.

He’s typically a bubble bath kinda guy. We’ve attempted to put him in a shower before, but the pelting water bullets always scared him. On this particular night, I decided it was time to build a bridge and get over it.

Basically, I shoved him in. Within seconds, he was dancing around and singing, and within 20 minutes, I could barely coax him out. It was only when his fingertips became prunes that I flipped off the water and said, “Okay, it’s time to be done. Did you like your shower?”

With Jackson-size animation, he said, “IT WAS SOOOOO AWESOME!”

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