For all the reasons Facebook is annoying, it sure is nice to pull up the screen and see so many well wishes. Gosh. Y’all know how to make a girl feel special.

So far, 34 is much like 33, 32, 31… Catch me again next year when I hit a new age bracket. We’ll see if THAT feels different.

Seriously though, I am healthy and able, which is darn near priceless. My husband is a treasure and these little boys keep life interesting and rich. My family and friends provide a deep security with unmatched support. My cup runneth over.

Last night, I snapped a photo of myself, which I don’t do so often anymore. (I like being behind the lens these days.) There’s no makeup to cover the lines on my face, and I didn’t photoshop them out. Honestly, if the lines on your face are from laughing, why hide them? Life has been good to me.

This was taken right before bed, before Chuck sang me a sweet birthday song as it turned midnight, before waking up to all of the texts, emails and messages. Just before 34.

My heart swells with gratitude this morning. Thank you.


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