I was dead set against getting a massive tree like last year. The Clark Griswold in Chuck Miller showed up when we bought a house with 12-foot ceilings and he felt we needed an 11-foot tree to go in it. I could not reach the top, even with a ladder, so this year I told him we were getting a normal tree that is easier to manage.
But then he said I could get my own little tree if he could still get a big one. I caved.
We went back to Santa Land Tree Farm in North Georgia. The following photos are from cutting down the baby tree. Chuck chose his tree from a group that had already been cut.
My cute little baby tree:
Chuck made his selection from this bunch.
I put the little tree in the library/school room/office so we could enjoy it every day, all day.
Chuck’s tree is in the den, where it nearly touches the ceiling. It’s beautiful, Clark.
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