Gingerbread Houses 2014

Like the tree, we were late getting to the Gingerbread Houses. No matter how I try to slow things down, it’s not working. Christmas is indeed in three days.

We invited a couple of neighborhood friends to join us for construction, so there were plenty of sugar rushes and giggles to fill the house. Major enjoyed every piece of candy they dropped on the floor.
Timmy wants to build houses

Worms for a fenceA mess of candy

Jackson abandoned his house after thirty minutes and read, so I was happy to take over and organize the candy in a way that made me calm.

the J House

In website news, I’m mostly finished moving everything over from the old site, so if there are a few wonky bits and broken links, feel free to let me know. (There’s an email link on the top menu bar in the righthand corner.) One thing I know still needs to be resolved is transferring subscribers. Hang in there, folks. I’ll sort it out eventually.

The last week has been a big lesson for me in domains, name servers, and other terms that tie my brain in a knot. Special thanks to those of you who helped me!

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