Blog Challenge Day 5: My guilty pleasure

What’s my guilty pleasure?

Do I have to pick just one? Nope.

YouTube videos. All kinds. Beauty gurus, BookTubers, TED talks, photographers, whoever sounds like they know what they’re talking about. Sometimes I pay close attention, but sometimes the videos are on in the background. It’s not entirely mindless because I almost always walk away having learned something. Why guilty? It sounds like a time waster.

Food. All kinds. Sweet foods, salty foods, savory foods. To be completely specific, I could eat a package of Double Stuf Oreos in one sitting and I spend most of October eating candy corn, but neither of those are the wisest choices in the world.

God Help Me Candy Corn

In the past, food has a problem for me, and if I’m entirely truthful, it can still be a problem if I’m not totally straight in the head. BUT, I try to see food as two things: 1) Nourishment, and 2) Celebratory companions. Why guilty? Oh, gluttony, I guess. But life is too short to eat bad food. Eat well, friends!

Bookstores. That’s a no-brainer, right? Why guilty? The library is the better choice economically, but you have to give all the books back. Where’s the fun in that?

Wine. Pinot Grigio, nothing pretentious, but not too cheap. Why guilty? Southern Baptist residual guilt.

Trips with the hubs. Marriage is hard, right? I mean, it can get crazy hard sometimes just because life in general can get hard. One thing Chuck and I realized a while back is that time away together is like a shot of adrenaline for our relationship. It’s like carb-loading before a long race. It gives us a big boost and reminds us why we agreed to this marriage thing to begin with. Whether it’s a long weekend or nine days in the Pacific Northwest, getting out of town with my husband is a guilty pleasure that never gets old. Why guilty? Because shouldn’t we be spending that money on our kids?


Flying out

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