Book Review: Blindsighted

After reading Pretty Girls, I knew I wanted to explore more of Karin Slaughter’s work. Happily, one of my besties – Karin, no less – provided me with five of her paperbacks, so I started with the first one – Blindsighted.

It’s the first in the Sara Linton/Grant County Series set in a small fictional Georgia town outside of Atlanta. She’s the local pediatrician/medical examiner and the ex-wife of police chief Jeffrey Tolliver.  One unsuspecting afternoon at the corner diner, Sara finds a local professor, Sybil, in the restroom, near death from gruesome injuries. Blood everywhere, among other things. Off we go on a whodunit. 

It doesn’t stop with one body. Another girl is found splayed and near death atop Sara’s car in the hospital parking lot, followed but another woman gone missing. The sadistic serial killer is efficient and crafty, so evidence is minimal.

Of course, all it takes is a few clues and a little bit of intuition to reach a conclusion. For what it’s worth, I pegged the criminal nearly from the start, but there were plenty of twists and turns to give me pause and question my sleuthing.

Karin Slaughter does not hold back on the sort of details that make one wince. If you have any distaste for or recoil with graphic content, these books aren’t for you. There is no skipping details for allusion. She just puts it all out there.

I don’t know what it says about me, but I’m enjoying her work. I prefer Pretty Girls to Blindsighted, but I always like a good thriller. Kisscut is next in the series, which I’ll likely start this weekend. Depending on how gruesome that one is, I may need a break in exchange for something lighter.

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