How do you pronounce Crayon?

After picking up Jeremy from school, he asks, “Can we go to Target to get new crowns?”

I know what he means, but I play along.

“Crowns? Why do you need crowns?”

“Because my crowns at school are all broken,” he says.

“Why do you need crowns at school?” I ask.

“Come on, Mom,” he says, annoyed by the question. “You know we use crowns at school.”

“Do they have jewels on them? Are they made of gold?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” he asks.

“Usually a king’s crown is made of gold or something.”

“Mom! I don’t mean crowns. I’m talking about crowns. You know, what you color with,” he says.

“You mean cray-yons.”

“Yeah,” he says. “Crowns.”

How do you say Crayon?

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