One-on-One Time with Lil’J

Packing wasn’t the only thing I did this weekend. Jeremy accepted an invite for a sleepover on Friday (the second one in his life), which left Jackson and me to ourselves. We ran errands, goofed off and snuggled on the couch until way past his bedtime. He’s already the most delightful child I know, happy to be happy about 95 percent of the time, and when it’s just the two of us, I tend to smother him kisses. There’s just the tiniest bit of toddler left in him, and I’m soaking it in as I can.

Sidebar: Can I just say that I enjoy my children so much more when we’re one-on-one? When they’re together, they vex me with their noise and ruckus. Obedience is a challenge more than half the time, and I dare not turn my back for a second or someone’s in a headlock/hurt/bleeding/screaming/peeing with poor aim. But when I’ve got one all to myself, I appreciate his quirks, his own level of maturity, and his unique sense of humor. I love having his complete and total attention.

But back to Jackson. At nearly five years old, his little-ness is slipping away. He’s asking to play football, wanting to do everything “by myself,” and growing like a fern on Miracle Grow. Every last moment I have with him at this age is precious to me. So, thank you, Tonya, for taking Big J for the night. I was left in the most wonderful company.


  1. That is one of the sweetest pictures. I completely agree with you about one on one time with the boys. Mine complain about being apart but as soon as they are next to each other in the car, they immediately begin to complain about the other and argue. At least Cam still loves to give me hugs and kisses!


  2. That’s exactly what happens in our house. Mass chaos together, missing each other when they’re apart. At least there’s a balance!

    See you soon, I hope!

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